Great Gatsby Costumes for Men

Last Updated: April 7th, 2024 by Kerry Wisby (Teacher-BA English Literature, 1920s & Great Gatsby Expert)

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Who doesn’t love a good 20s themed party? I know I do! The people in attendance are always dressed sharply. Men and women in elegance really are sights to behold.
male great gatsby costume white suit

Get this Men’s 20s Gatsby Costume!

The problem is that while there are just so many ways to dress up and look good for women, the same can’t really be said for men. Some just opt for the usual 3-piece suit.

If you’re looking to up your game at your next Gatsby-themed party, read on! These outfit ideas are sure to make you stand out, even in a crowd of well-dressed people.

The History of Gatsby

The 1920s were known for sophistication and elegance. When you think of the 20s, your mind automatically goes to rich and wealthy people socializing in glamorous outfits. Don’t fret, though! The outfits in question aren’t incredibly expensive and will surely make you look great.

great gatsby costume ideas for guys

Get this Off White Gatsby Suit! 

Gatsby is known to be a self-made, powerful man. He’s the story of the American Dream, building himself up out of nothing. Because of this, 20s parties seem to move towards sophistication and richness as part of the theme. Women are in beautiful flapper dresses and men can be seen in their three-piece suits
Roaring 20s White Costume for Men

Get this Roaring White Costume! 

I personally love attending 20s parties because they throw you back in time! The general atmosphere really makes it feel like the era it was set in. Everyone looked great in the 20s, right? A 20s themed party never fails to amaze and entice people. The music is so great as well.

Excited to find out your options for your next 20s themed party? Keep on scrolling and find inspiration here!

Jay Gatsby

mens gatsby costume ideas

Get this 1920 Black Tuxedo Suit! 

Of course, who better to go to a Gatsby party than as Gatsby himself? His iconic looks feature a three-piece suit and a cane. He’s probably the best choice for men, and there are good reasons for that too! He’s charming, well-educated, and self-made. He is the life of the party and you can never go wrong with a classic gatsby look.
Mens Great Gatsby Black Tuxedo Costume

Get this Men’s Black Suit Costume! 

Do you prefer something less flashy? Try wearing his tuxedo outfit! Typically worn during his evening parties, the tuxedo is a classic way to be sophisticated without being too flashy and bold. A tuxedo is a great and simple way to impress your friends at your next Gatsby party.

Click here – To check out more Men’s Great Gatsby Outfits!

Nick Carraway

Nick Carraway is the cousin of Gatsby’s love interest in the story. He is a World War II veteran and became a bond salesman in New York. He’s also the narrator of the story! Nick Carraway is charismatic and bold, being wary of Gatsby’s intentions for his cousin and keeping a close eye on him throughout the story.

1920s Mens Suits Gatsby Style

Get this Gatsby Outfit!

Nick’s character is important in the story. He’s the opposite of Gatsby, being born into privilege and maintaining that as he grows up. The development of Carraway’s story is incredibly interesting and gives you a different side of the 20s culture!

Nick Carraway’s style

He dresses well, reflecting his privileged background. When he was invited to one of Gatsby’s great parties, he immediately blended well with the crowd. His outfit is made up of earthy tones that are highlighted with gold accents.

Tobey Maguire Suit Gatsby Style

Get this Tobey Maguire Suit! 

Nick Carraway’s style is a great choice to follow for your next 20s party! It looks great, fits in with the theme, and is a good option if you don’t want to go as Gatsby himself.

1920s Newboy Costumes

Adult 20's Newsie Costume Newsboy Costume for Men Small Black,Brown

Get this Newsboy Halloween Costume! 

A newsie is a newsboy that delivered newspapers to people in the 20s. Back when social media didn’t exist, these newsboys would bike around town and bring the news to every house. Whenever you would hear someone yelling “Extra! Extra! Read all about it!” when enjoying your breakfast, that meant a newsie was biking around your neighborhood.
Men's Roarin 20s Deluxe Costume Pants

Get this Roarin 20s Deluxe Pants!

Nowadays, people get the news electronically. With news being available digitally on news stations and social media, people don’t need physical newspapers anymore. However, that doesn’t mean the fashion of newsies has died! It’s a great option to consider if you want to stand out at your next 20s party.

Newsie Style

The newsie style is simple and comfortable, yet fits perfectly into the 20s theme. A ¾ sleeve polo, matched with short pants and a vest is a great way to imitate this style.
Adult 20's News Boy Costume

Get this Newsie Costume!

Complete the outfit with a shoulder sack and fill it up with newspapers and you’re good to go!

1920s mens boots to suit costume

Get these Vintage Peaky Blinders Boots!

For accessories, wear brown leather ankle boots and a newsboy cap to perfect that newsie image. Wearing the right colors together is sure to make it look like you’re an actual newsie from 1920! This is a great outfit choice if you want to be comfortable while partying with your friends.

1920s Boaters Costumes

Boating was all the rage in the 20s. It was a symbol of wealth, power, and influence. If you were able to afford your own boat, chances are you belonged to the elite. Boaters were invited to the classiest of parties, mingling with some of the most influential people in the 20s. In the Great Gatsby, many boaters were invited to Gatsby’s parties and socialized with him.

1920s boater boy costume

Get the 1920s Boater Outfit!

The boater outfit is also associated with barbers! Whenever you think of a barbershop quartet, you always picture them in colorful, striped blazers and boater hats. They were a huge part of the music industry in the 20s as well. Anyone wearing the boater style was considered to be a significant part of the 20s history.


The Boater Style

As mentioned above, the boater outfit is usually made of colorful pieces put together fashionably.
Men's 1920s Boater Style Costume

Get this Pinstripes Charlie Costume! 

A striped blazer paired with a white button-up is typically the way to go when looking to be a boater at the party. This style is sophisticated and classy and can rival even Gatsby’s sense of style.

Costume Jacket for Boaters

Get this Boater Jacket!

Complete your outfit by accessorizing! Pair this outfit with a walking cane, a classic boater hat, and a bow tie, and you’ll be ready to impress your friends at the party. Experiment with multiple color combinations to add a modern twist to the costume as well! You can never go wrong with a classic boater look.


It wasn’t all just fun and parties in the 20s too. Gangs and mafia bosses ran rampant in that decade, establishing power and influence all over the country.

Adult Yellow 1920s Gangster Zoot Suit Costume

Get this Yellow Zoot Suit!

The classic gangster look is meant to give you the feeling of being a mafia boss and is a perfect way to catch the eye of everyone in attendance.

Bootlegging Gangster Kit

Get this Bootlegging Gangster Kit!

When we think of gangs, we think of hoodlums sticking to an oath made to their superiors. In the 20s, this was not the case. Gangsters had so much influence and control in their cities that everyone both admired and feared them. As a result, many gangsters were invited to the Gatsby parties.

If you want to have the same sophistication and powerful aura that they had, consider wearing a gangster outfit to your next 20s party.

Gangster style

The gangster style was a reflection of their influence. They wore double-breasted suits with padded shoulders to accent the authority they had.
Men's White Gangster Costume

Get this Men’s White Gangster Costume!

They also wore fashionable fedora hats and had a monochromatic look to their outfits. Usually seen wearing a full white pinstriped suit, gangsters were as fashionable as they were fearsome.

Men's 1920s Costume

Get this Men’s Smooth Criminal Costume!

To complete your gangster look, match it with a fake tommy gun and a fake cigar (or a real one if you prefer).
1920s Plastic Cigar

Get this Plastic Cigar!

While they didn’t really show their guns out in the open in the 20s, bringing a fake tommy gun along is sure to push the message of being a gangster when you’re at the party.

Roaring 20s Toy Tommy Gun

Get this Toy Tommy Gun!

The full white suit is also enhanced with the addition of a solid black tie. Wrap it all up with a classic fedora, and you’ll be good to go!

Men's Black Gangster Tie

Get this Men’s Black Gangster Tie!


No 20s outfit is complete without some accessories! The suits that men wore in the 20s were improved and elevated with the addition of accessories that showed their wealth and influence.

1920s Gangster Accessories for parties

Get this Gangster Accessory Set!

Here are some accessories to consider when you want to dress up for the 20s.

Y-Back Suspenders

These suspenders were all the rage in the 20s! They were fashionable, comfortable to wear, and helped keep your clothes in place. Suspenders are a great accent piece to add dimension to your 20s costume. Suspenders were usually worn by boaters and newsies to keep their pants from sagging. This is a great way to stay true to the era where your outfit came from!

gatsby suspenders for men

Get the Suspenders!

Bow Ties and Neckties

If you choose to wear a suit, make sure you have a bow tie or a necktie to complete your outfit. These give contrast to the suit and make it feel even more sophisticated than it already is. Choose a solid color that doesn’t clash with your suit, and you’ll be looking dapper already.

Gatsby Bow Tie Styles

Get the Ties

Pocket watches

While we already have smartphones to tell us time, the gentlemen of the 20s usually kept a pocket watch handy. This is a great way to stay true to the 20s theme while also improving your costume.

Pocket Watch Roaring 20s style

Get the 1920s Pocket Watch

Gatsby, Carraway, and the gangsters all had pocket watches of their own, so it would be a great addition to your outfit as well.


tommy shelby hat

Get the Shelby Cap

Some costumes just look great with a hat added into the mix. They can make you look like you have a sense of style while completing your 20s outfit!

If you’re going as a newsie, choose a newsboy hat that sticks to the general color scheme of your outfit. News boys wore this hat to protect them from heat and it has become an unmistakable part of the outfit they wore.

1920s Cap for Men

Get the Cap

Going as a boater? Wear the classic boater’s hat to complete your look. Boaters wore these hats to protect their eyes from the sun while also adding a bit of flair into their outfits. Choosing the right boater’s hat is easy since you only need to match it with your outfit.

Roaring 20s Boater Hat

1920s Star Boater Hat

If you’re going as a gangster, a fedora is your best bet. These fedoras gave gangsters an air of mystery and intimidation, and will surely round out your suit.

If you want to add a bit more flair, consider buying a fedora with feathers in them for that extra push.
20s Gangster Hat

Get this Gangster Hat!


Shoes were less complicated in the 20s. Men usually paired their suits with either black or brown leather dress shoes.

Men's 1920s two tone Gangster Shoes

Get this Deluxe Gangster Shoes!

These shoes highlighted their suits more and made everything look more put together. Lighter colored suits should be paired with brown dress shoes, while darker colored ones go best with black.

For those going for the newsie outfit, a leather ankle boot is also a good option. They are comfortable yet still fashionable and formal. Boaters also wore brown boots or dress shoes, depending on what they were wearing at the time.

1920s boots for men

Get this 1920s Boots!


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How should I style my hair for a 20s party?

A: Men usually wore their hair neat and slicked back. Their hair was coiffed and kept in place with gel, giving it a neat and shiny look. The sides were usually kept neat and short as well. For facial hair, shave off or trim your beard but keep your mustache in place. A lot of men had mustaches in the 20s and it adds to the appeal as well.

Q: What other accessories should I keep in mind? Do I need to have a lot?

A: Not at all! Accessories are only there to enhance the overall look, but having one or two is enough to make you look great. Consider bringing a walking cane as well to fully embody the 20s look

Q: What’s the general dress code for 20s parties?

A: 20s parties were strictly formal, which means no jeans and t-shirt allowed. If you don’t have access to costumes made for 20s parties, a crisp and clean suit will do. Just make sure you look great and you’re comfortable and you’ll be good to go.


The 20s was a time of style and sophistication, and Gatsby’s parties were no exception. These style ideas are a great way to stay true to that image and will surely make you stand out at the party!

17 Best Great Gatsby Costumes for Men
17 Best Great Gatsby Costumes for Men
These great Gatsby inspired costumes for men are sure to make you look like you own everything. Dress to impress with this style guide for your next event.
Gatsby Flapper Girl